More Than Honey, a new documentary by the Swiss filmmaker Marcus Imhoof, is looking into the fascinating world of bees, showing small family beekeepers (including the beekeeper of ERSTE Foundation beehive, Heidrun Singer) and industrialized honey farms. More Than Honey is a film on the relationship between mankind and honeybees, about nature and about our future. Honeybees show us that stability is just as unhealthy as unlimited growth, that crises and disasters are triggering evolution and that salvation sometimes comes from a completely unexpected direction. -This is the official description on RottenTomatoes.com Image Source: YouTube.com

Image source of movie poster: RottenTomatoes.com
Interviews and cast of More Than Honey include:
- Markus Imhoof -Director, Writer
- Helmut Grasser -Producer
- John Hurt -Actor, Narrator
- Heidrun and Liane Singer -Multi-generational beekeepers
- Professor Randolf Menzel -Neurobiologist and “bee whisperer”
- Fred Jaggi -Beekeper
- John Miller -Industrialized beekeeper
- Fred Terry -Beekeeper
Movie reviews of More Than Honey documentary:
“Elegant, handsomely shot and often instructive, and its remarkable extended close-up sequences of bees’ social structure are fascinating.” – Daily Telegraph, David Gritten
“It’s a delightful, informative, and suitably contemplative study of the bee world and the bee-population crisis, though in the end it does offer enough dewdrops of hope to fill up a bluebell or two.” – Village Voice, Stephanie Zacharek
Review by Rachel Avalon
More Than Honey is a visually engaging documentary centered on bees, their social structures, and the remarkable impact they have on nature and our food security. Exploring family beekeepers in contrast with industrialized honey farms, this film clearly demonstrates how bees are both revered as well as exploited on an unimaginable scale. Additionally, watching laborers in China hand pollinate crops because there are not enough bees is a stark reminder of how important clean energy and organic farming truly are. With an urgent warning of how these powerful pollinators are at risk of disappearing around the world due to human recklessness and greed, More Than Honey is sure to inspire people to step up and help save the bees.
Watch the movie trailer here.
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Explore the best list of documentaries on health, mindfulness, sustainability, and creating a better world here on RachelAvalon.com. For more documentaries focused on how fascinating and essential bees are, check out The Vanishing of the Bees and Queen of the Sun.
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