Emergency Room Doctor, Javid Abdelmoneim endeavors to learn the truth about alcohol, both its benefits and risks, by exploring the science of drinking. This is the official description on Netflix. Image source: Netflix.com

Image Source: IMDB.com
Interviews and cast include:
- Dr. Javid Abdelmoneim – Host
- David Briggs – Director, Creator
Documentary Reviews of The Truth About Alcohol
“If you are interested in watching a documentary that discusses the many issues of alcohol and health, you’ve come to the right place. If you can overlook the disconnect between the drunken party atmosphere and the sobering information, maybe you’ll learn something. ” David Z. Hirsch (a medical review of the documentary)
Review by Rachel Avalon
The Truth About Alcohol could certainly make you think twice about how often and how much to drink as well as cast doubts on its proclaimed health benefits. This is especially true when comparing red wine to health foods. However, this film, hosted by ER doctor Javid Abdelmoneim, seems to present its case in a sideways manner; focusing on the fun, social aspects of drinking while weaving in the risks of alcohol consumption.
As a Holistic Health Coach, I’ve been challenging people’s perceptions and habits regarding alcohol for years because alcohol is essentially high-octane, acidic sugar that disrupts the gut microbiome and feeds unwanted yeast (like candida.) Although beneficial polyphenols are found in red wine. (causing blood vessel dilation and potentially lowering blood pressure) nature offers healthier alternatives. For example, apples, blueberries, walnuts, almonds, and dark chocolate are some good choices. Of course, if people prioritize a plant-based, high-fiber, anti-inflammatory diet, their cardiovascular system typically doesn’t need vasodilators because their arterial walls are healthier.
Alcohol has rightfully received a lot of attention over the years for its negative association with liver damage, killing brain cells, drunk driving fatalities, increased incidents of domestic violence, and sexual assault. However, our science, culture and media have been slow to discuss its connection to cancer…
Alcohol is linked to various forms of cancer, including:
- breast cancer
- stomach and colon cancer
- mouth cancer
- esophageal cancer
- laryngeal cancer
- liver cancer
Hopefully, viewers of The Truth About Alcohol can find their way through some of the mixed messages and be motivated to drink less (or not drink) in order to better avoid unwanted weight gain, sleep disturbances, an increased risk of cancer, and a myriad of other health problems.
Watch the movie trailer here.
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