In this documentary [Living in the Future’s Past], Jeff Bridges explores the environmental challenges faced by the planet with the aid of notable scientists, psychologists, anthropologists, physicists, spiritual leaders, politicians, military leaders, and breathtaking wildlife photography. -This is the official description on RottenTomatoes.com Image source: LivingInTheFuturesPastFilm.com

Image source of movie poster: RottenTomatoes.com
Interviews and cast include:
- Susan Kucera -Director
- James Swift -Executive Producer
- Jeff Bridges -Narrator, Actor, Artist, Producer, Humanitarian
- Dr. Ugo Bardi -Professor of Physical Chemistry
- Wesley Clark -General, US Army (ret.)
- Dr. Ruth Gates -Marine Biologist
- Daniel Goleman -Psychologist, Science Journalist, Author of Emotional Intelligence
- Dr. Nathan Hagens -Director of Institute for the Study of Energy and Our Future
- Dr. Bruce Hood -Professor of Developmental Psychology, Author of The Self Illusion
- Bob Inglis -Former (R) American Congressman
- Dr. Amy Jacobson -Evolutionary Anthropologist, Human Behavioral Ecologist, Research Director for The Biosocial Research Foundation
- Dr. Renee Lertzman -Author of Environmental Melancholia, Consultant
- Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky -Professor of Cognitive Psychology
- Oren Lyons -Environmental Activist, Professor of American Studies
- Dr. Leonar Mlodinow -Physicist, Author of The Upright Thinkers
- Dr. Timothy Morton -Philosopher, Professor, Author of Humankind and Dark Ecology
- Dr. Rich Pancost -Head of School of Earth Sciences, Professor of Biogeochemistry, Director of the University of Bristol Cabot Institute
- Dr. Mark Plotkin -Ethnobotanist, President of the Amazon Conservation Team
- Paul Roberts -Journalist, Author of End of Oil and The Impulse Society
- Dr. Ian Robertson -Cognitive Neuroscientist, Co-Director of The Global Brain Health Institute, Professor Emeritus
- Dr. Piers Sellers -Director of the Earth Science Division at NASA, Meteorologist, Astronaut
- Dr. Joseph Tainer -Professor of Anthropology, Author of Collapse of Complex Societies
Movie reviews of Living in the Future’s Past documentary:
“The film is absolutely gorgeous, featuring an amazing collection of high resolution footage working in tandem with Bridges’ rich narration. Not preachy, this didactic narrative does serve as a low key prayer for universal support for conservation.” – Daily Film Fix, Jonathan W. Hickman
“Living in the Future’s Past does not challenge viewers with an overwhelming task of changing the world, but in changing ourselves. It asks us to look within and examine whether we confuse what we need with what we desire and vice versa.” – Film Inquiry, Stephanie Archer
Review by Rachel Avalon
Living in the Future’s Past coalesces ecology, philosophy, and anthropology in a beautifully profound way. Jeff Bridges’ narrates, inviting the audience into a consciousness-raising journey, one which recognizes that humans are not separate observers of nature, but rather extensions of it. In other words, Earth is a dynamic super-organism that we continually influence and are influenced by. The question posed by the film is what kind of future do we truly want and what are we willing to do to cultivate it? As a holistic health coach and eco expert of many years, this theme of interconnectedness is what I teach and is why I have such a deep appreciation for this awe-inspiring, holistic documentary. I have watched dozens of environmental documentaries over the years and Living in the Future’s Past taps right into the essence of what true health and sustainability are all about, lovingly harmonizing with life.
Watch the movie trailer here.
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