Executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan, The Game Changers follows James Wilks – elite Special Forces trainer and winner of The Ultimate Fighter – whose world is turned upside down when he discovers a group of world-renowned athletes and scientists who prove that everything he had been taught about protein was a lie. Directed by Oscar (R)-winner Louie Psihoyos, The Game Changers mixes real-time, groundbreaking science with cinematic stories of struggle and triumph.
-This is the official description on RottenTomatoes.com
Image Source: GameChangersMovie.com
Interviews include professional athletes, doctors, scientists, and vegan advocates:
- Scott Jurek -Record-holding ultramarathoner
- Arnold Schwarzenegger -Body builder, actor, producer, governor
- Damien Mander -Founder, International Anti-poaching Foundation
- Bryant Jennings -Boxing heavyweight title contender
- Derrick Morgan -Linebacker
- Aaron Spitz, MD -Lead delegate, American Urological Association
- Christina Warinner, PHD -Archeological Geneticist, Max Planck Institute
- James Loomis -Former team physician, St. Louis Rams/Cardinals
- Patrik Baboumian -World Record-holding Strongman
- Morgan Mitchell -Two-time Australian 400m Champion
- Kim Williams, MD -President, AmericanCollege of Cardiology
- Rip Esselstyn -Former firefighter/triathlete
- Dean Ornish, MD -Founder, Preventative Medicine Research Institute
- Dotsie Bausch -Eight-time US National Cycling Champion
- Kendrick Ferris -American Record-Holding Weightlifter
The documentary team includes:
- Executive Producers: James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic, Chris Paul
- Producer: James Wilks
- Director: Louie Psihoyos
- Producer/Writer: Joseph Pace
Movie Reviews of The Game Changers documentary
“Mixes shocking, groundbreaking science with cinematic stories of struggle and triumph.” -Deadline
“The Game Changers is different because it’s not haughty or preachy. It’s informative and eye-opening.” – The Daily Camera
Review by Rachel Avalon: “The Game Changers is a fast-paced, compelling film full of visually-engaging science, inspirational athleticism, and heartfelt victories that prove the power of a plant-based diet. It also skillfully takes on the destructive messaging that “real men” eat meat, making way for a healthier culture and planet. All in all, The Game Changers is one of the best documentaries ever made about the benefits of a vegan diet.”
Watch the movie trailer here.
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