The Devil We Know -The Chemistry of a Cover-Up. Citizens in West Virginia battle a powerful corporation [DuPont] after learning that it has consciously been dumping a toxic chemical into the local water supply. Their investigation unearths that this chemical is actually found in the blood of 99.7% Americans. -This is the official description on RottenTomatoes.com. Image Source: YouTube.com

Image source of movie poster: RottenTomatoes.com
Interviews and cast include:
- Stephanie Soechtig -Director (also directed Tapped and Fed Up)
- Mark Monroe -Writer
- Ken Cook -EWG, President of Environmental Working Group
- Sue Bailey -Former DuPont Employee
- Charles Holliday -CEO DuPont
Movie reviews of The Devil We Know documentary:
“Mixing footage of public hearings, news reports and corporate ads, plus input from scientists and activists, “The Devil We Know” is a riveting tale of long-term irresponsibility and injustice.” – Variety, Dennis Harvey
“A blood-boiling eco-doc whose story is far from over.” – The Hollywood Reporter, John DeFore
Review by Rachel Avalon I’ve been a fan of the director Stephanie Soechtig since I attended a screening of Tapped many years ago because she consistently invites viewers to explore documentary topics that need urgent attention in a way that is skilled, humanity-filled, and inspires real change. The Devil We Know exposes DuPont’s alleged fifty-year cover up with the risks associated with Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)—also known as C8. It is truly unnerving to find out how ubiquitous this cancer-linked chemical is in global products such as nonstick cookware (like Teflon®), stain resistant carpets, fabrics, and even our blood. Equally disturbing is how ruthless and reckless DuPont has been with the lives in and around the West Virginia processing plant that’s featured in the film. From pumping the poisonous “devil we know” chemical into the air and water supply, to essentially victim blaming a plant worker for her son’s birth defects, this documentary will make you want to boycott every DuPont (and Chemours) product and throw out any Teflon® cookware and bakeware. As a health coach and lifelong environmentalist, I strongly urge you to watch this film and share it with others. You can also check out the dramatized, legal thriller version of the film, Dark Waters, starring environmental activist, Mark Ruffalo.
Watch the movie trailer here.
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