America the Beautiful, is a documentary directed by Darryl Roberts, which explores the often toxic cultural norms of self-image influenced by marketing, modeling, celebrity culture, and questionable beauty products.
A note from Rachel Avalon: “This is a powerful film for Americans of every age to watch because it raises so many important questions about how we are, in essence, programmed to see ourselves and each other. In particular, if you, or your child, are considering modeling do yourself a favor and watch this film immediately. I actually modeled as a teen and left the business after I saw an image of myself in a catalog with my own body from the waist up and another model’s body photoshopped in from the waist down. Oh how I would’ve loved to have seen a film like this before I ever began doing photoshoots because the reality of modeling is far from glamorous and it can be downright dangerous.”
“Funny, shocking, and enlightening” -The Daily Campus
Watch the movie trailer here.
Rent, stream, or buy this documentary film through my Amazon Shop.
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