Do you ever feel like mindfulness is an abstract, elusive practice? People who have been doing yoga, chanting, and all sorts of holistic practices can feel this way. So, whether you’re new to it or not it’s helpful to realize that there are usually ebbs and flows for most people. Even so there are tools you can utilize to invite and allow a more enjoyable and consistent process. First though, let’s get clear on what mindfulness really is.
Definition of mindfulness:
Mindfulness is experiencing the present moment with a generally calm, nonjudgmental awareness of our thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and our surroundings.
So, mindfulness or being mindful, is actually a form of meditation that can be done while sitting, walking, preparing food, talking, and through many other experiences. To cultivate the courage to practice it (yup, allowing yourself to be without fixating on the past or present can be scary) and enjoy its physical and emotional benefits here are:
3 Ways to Feel Positive and Present
1. Tune into your breath at least 3 times a day for 1 minute or more, in the morning, afternoon, and at night. Invite your breathing to deepen and slow down. By tuning into our breath not only do we calm our nervous system, we become aware of the present moment. Schedule this is so you really do it.
2. Adopt the motto, “Progress, not perfection.” One of the biggest mental obstacles to mindfulness is the belief that it will be easy, totally enjoyable, and that you will immediately stick with a daily ritual. The truth is, mindfulness can be wonderfully soothing and magical one moment and extremely uncomfortable and agitating the next. That’s OK. The main thing is that you keep showing up and expressing gratitude to yourself for your participation. With all the checked out, zombie living that people can get sucked into, really give yourself some credit for giving it a go.
3. Nothing conditions the mind to be flexible, positive, and present like positive thinking. So, give yourself positive thoughts to ground yourself and your practice. Here are some examples of positive affirmations and declarations you can say to yourself right beforehand or throughout the day:
Individual Positive Thoughts:
“I am choosing to enjoy the present moment.”
“I feel positive about tuning into the now and enjoying all that it offers.”
“I am shining brightly through mindful living.”
“I feel the beautiful interconnectedness of life, this planet, and the cosmos through mindfulness.”
Collective Positive Thoughts:
“We are practicing mindfulness in all aspects of our life.”
“We cultivate mindfulness, love, and integrity in our local and global community.”
All in all, treat mindfulness as a therapeutic way to play and fine-tune your vibration rather than a chore or obligation. Try it now for one minute and see how you feel.
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