Produce in plastic bags — you may be in the habit of putting your groceries in reusable bags by now, but what about your produce? Still clinging to the plastic?
Your health: plastic bags are commonly made with phthalates which are linked to hormone disruption. The CDC has found that most Americans tested have phthalates in their system. Why would we want to be touching those chemicals when we don’t have to or mixing them with our healthy, fresh produce?
Your money: more and more stores are rewarding customers for bringing their own bags. The average credit is 5 cents per bag which adds up each year. Also, consider how many millions of dollars we pay in state taxes for cleaning up run-away bags. Lastly, leaving fresh produce in plastic bags in the fridge often spoils them more rapidly (mushrooms and greens are good examples).
Your legacy: Approximately 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide annually. That’s over 1 million bags a minute. Most end up in landfills or in the ocean indefinitely. Few are recycled and the recycling process has its own set of health and environmental issues.
What you can do: Put all your fruits and veggies in a reusable bag while shopping or just put them right in the cart until you check out…with your reusable bags of course. Naked produce makes for a more enjoyable shopping experience and it helps inspire others to ditch the plastic and visually appreciate the colorful fruits and vegetables as well. I know people sometimes think it’s gross to put them directly in the cart, but why? 99% of the time prepackaged boxes and cans of food go in there, plus we all wash our produce before eating it anyway. Speaking of which, remember to wash your bags as needed.
Want extra motivation and information for you or your friends? Check out and share the documentary, Addicted to Plastic:
My mission: As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Eco Expert, I’m dedicated to leading you straight to the core of what it takes to enjoy a new level of vitality, weight loss, and detoxification. I love helping clients across the U.S. transform their lives.
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