An investigation of the economic and environmental instability of America’s food system, from the agricultural issues we face; soil loss, water depletion, climate change and pesticide use down to the community of leaders who are determined to fix it. -This is the official film description from RottenTomatoes.com

Image Source: RottenTomatoes.com
Cast and interviews include:
- Marty Travis
- Dan Barber
- Rick Bayless
- Mark Bittman
- Kelly Brownell
- John Ikerd
- Fred Kirschenmann
- Matthew Liebman
- Klass Martens
- Marion Nestle
- Bill Niman
- Nicolette Niman
- Greg Wade
Movie reviews of Sustainable documentary
“Persuasive and refreshingly positive.” -The Hollywood Reporter
Review by Rachel Avalon The documentary, Sustainable, demonstrates how critical sustainable agriculture and food policies are for human health and planetary health. An empathetic story of re-envisioning modern farming, restoring soil health, and honoring the legacy of family farms, this poignant film directed by Matt Wechsler is a call to sustainably connect with our food sources and the hardworking people who provide it. As a holistic health coach and eco expert, I particularly appreciate its warning about the impact of pesticides as well as climate change.
Watch the movie trailer here.
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Explore the best list of documentaries on health, mindfulness, sustainability, and creating a better world here on RachelAvalon.com
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