Do you ever struggle with your willpower when it comes to eating chips or crackers? It’s so easy to eat a whole bag of chips and then feel guilty because we know that most of that stuff is junk food. The good news is that yummy kale chips are light, crispy, and loaded with more nutrients than most chips or crackers. So, you can forget about the guilt! You can also forget about any plastic packaging guilt because there isn’t any.
Do kale chips taste good? Yes! Even distrusting guys who are suspicious of “hippie food” love them. My husband, in fact, even makes requests for a couple batches now.
Kale chips can be seasoned with a wide range of herbs and spices. I always love adding garlic and cayenne pepper in particular, but feel free to experiment. Here’s an Asian inspired recipe I came up with.
Note: For the best results use as many organic ingredients as possible.
- 1 bunch of kale (2 bunches for a family)
- sesame oil
- olive oil
- sea salt
- sesame seeds
- powdered ginger
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Wash kale.
- Strip stems from leaves and set aside until dry. Use a towel to pat the leaves and speed up the process.
- Chop kale and place on a cookie sheet.
- Lightly drizzle with sesame oil and olive oil and massage into the leaves thoroughly.
- Once the leaves are lightly coated, sprinkle sea salt and sesame seeds on top.
- Add a couple dashes of ginger.
- Bake for 12 minutes or until crisp. Do not brown.
Optional: Rather than wasting the stems, chop them in 1/2, place in a pot of water, and cover. Heat until boiling and cook for a couple more minutes. Remove from heat and strain over a bowl, collecting the mineral-rich water. You can drink the beverage once it’s cooled or save it and add it to vegetable broths.
Kale chips are a great alternative to popcorn too (plus they don’t get stuck in your molars). You just might want to check your front teeth after eating them before flashing your pearly whites.
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