America’s battle against childhood obesity is an issue too big for many to fully comprehend. With one in three children overweight, the epidemic is sweeping our nation at an unforgiving rate. But in spite of these odds, Bite Size showcases the stories of four inspiring kids from diverse backgrounds who are fighting for their health one day at a time. Proving that it’s not just about the number on a scale, what really matters is learning what keeps you active and makes you happy. -This is the official film description on RottenTomatoes.com Image source above: CommonSenseMedia.org

Image Source: RottenTomatoes.com
Interviews include:
- Davion Bland
- Moises Gutierrez
- Emily Patrick
- KeAnna Pollard
- Lisa Ross
Movie Reviews of Bite Size Documentary
“This documentary is important because it will teach healthy kids how difficult obese kids have it — and how damaging cruel words can be. Filmmaker Corbin Billings takes an intimate approach to a familiar topic. He doesn’t bombard the audience with statistics but instead focuses on the kids and their parents and communities — making the issue come to life in an authentic and, at times, heartbreaking way.” -Common Sense Media, Sandie Angulo Chen
Review by Rachel Avalon Bite Size is a documentary that ultimately prompts viewers to question how we can overcome childhood obesity in the United States and all the physical and emotional struggles that come with it. As the featured kids attempting weight loss are targeted by hurtful remarks and bullying, this film also vividly demonstrates the need for increasing empathy within our culture. As a holistic health coach, I feel it’s important to note that the childhood obesity epidemic in America is not simply a matter of children exerting more will-power or exercising enough. It requires the government to create food policies that stand up to Big Food and to set up structural support so that all families can access healthy, nutrient-dense foods and not be bombarded by highly processed and sugary foods wherever they go. That needs to be the norm, not the exception. Hopefully, Bite Size serves as a conversation starter to help move things in a better direction.
Bite Size is rated PG and is suggested for viewers 10+ by CommonSenseMedia.org
Watch the movie trailer here:
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